
Hi, I'm Loïc Lestienne, I am junior programmer and ICT professional who enjoys cross-disciplinary and creative problem solving.

I'm currently looking for a job in AR/VR/Computer Graphics and cyber-physical systems.

Basic Information
Etterbeek, Brussels, BELGIUM
French, English, Spanish
Professional Skills
Proficient in :

  • Administrative tools for O365

  • Azure Active Directory (AD)

  • SharePoint

  • Microsoft Teams

Formal training in :

  • C++

  • Python


  • KiCad

  • Altium

  • Fritzing

Experience with :

  • HTML

  • AWS (some)

  • Arduino

  • ZigBee (802.15.4)

  • Thread

  • LoRa

  • 6LowPAN

  • WiFi

  • SigFox

  • Bluetooth Low Energy (BTLE)

Work Experience

September 2020 - Present

European Labour Authority (ELA)
ICT Assistant

  • Performed vendor solution search and co-developed implementation plan for Office 365 infrastructure for new government authority
  • Responsible for ICT training of new staff and developing materials to enable training for rapidly growing new government authority
  • Assisted in the setup of Microsoft Office 365 tenant
  • Responsible for planning and ordering of new IT equipment for ELA staff
  • Responsible for assisting staff with ICT issues

July 2019 - September 2019

European Commission - DIGIT
Trainee Directorate General of Informatics - Digital Data Services

  • Provided technical assistance for delivery of IT solutions for Commission services
  • Drafted guides to facilitate staff work with AI and Text Mining
  • Processed contracts for external staff
  • Organised meeting and drafted minutes
  • Following software was extensively used: Confluence, Sysper, Webex, Jira, Ares


2018 - 2019

Master Artificial Intelligence - Two Semesters
Master of Science - Artificial Intelligence

Maastricht University - Maastricht, Netherlands

Two semesters completed

Courses read :

  • Fondation of Agent (AI)
  • Intelligent Search and Games
  • Independant Research Project

2013 - 2018

Bachelor's Degree
Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

London South Bank University - London, UK

Final Year Project funded by UK Research Council : DANCER

    2016-2017 : Year Abroad - Hochschule Luzern Switzerland
    2015 : BTEC HND Certification


Harvard Summer School
Summer School

Harvard University - Cambridge Massachusetts

Researched and debated dangers of new technologies and their implementations with other internationals students.


High School's Degree
French Baccalaureate

Lycée Français Jean Monnet - Brussels, Belgium


2017 - 2018

DANCER Project
Digital Agent Networking for Customer Energy Reduction (DANCER)

Project funded by UK Research Council - London South Bank University

Internet of Things (IoT) platform to centralize home sensor data in order to reduce and optimize home energy efficiency.

  • Performed connection technology review and comparison for ZigBee, Bluetooth Low Energy (BTLE), Thread, LoRa, 6LowPAN, WiFi, ZigFox
  • Implemented solution that improved data collection speed by ~240x and reliability while maintaining security provisions.
  • Achieved significant energy savings by implementing watchdog registers on a new Arduino-based platform.
